Twenty years in the business. Still foolish.

I have worked tirelessly to advance the goals of countless clients, big and small, both national and international. This body of knowledge allows me to offer comprehensive services, from the conceptual idea to finished product. Don’t hesitate to ask and I can share some of these journeys/projects with you.

 or call +1.616.730.1372


Such a simple word, yet such an elusive "thing". It appears within a second, in abundance for a lucky few, but truly great ideas take time to be carefully crafted and mature.
That’s my approach.


Connecting a great idea with or around a central purpose is the next step in the journey. This is were we create proof that an idea can deliver on achieving business goals.
In the end — it has to work, in addition to being fun and memorable.


From a digital ad to a full-fledged application, from corporate identity systems to entertaining videos. My versatile skill set allows me to develop a wide variety of these tactics for discerning clients.


Translating the intent of a great idea, concept and design and rolling it out in the best possible way. That's craftsmanship. Something I have learned at the very beginning of my career and a point of difference from the "just get it done" mentality.